Hounds Lounge Upper Respiratory and Canine Flu Updates
Our goal at Hounds Lounge is to be transparent with you about potential health risks that social woofs are exposed to when playing and slumber pawtying in any social setting with their best fur furriends so you can make the absolute best decision for your woof & family.
There are two upper respriatory infections going around Arkansas and our neighboring states.
A vaccine resistant doggie cold aka “kennel cough”
The Canine Influenza aka “dog flu”
If your doggo is presenting any of the following symptoms, please keep them home and isolated from other dogs and make a vet appointment ASAP.
-eye/nose drainage
-throwing up phlegm
-acting lethargic (not active, eating, drinking)
Any and all of these symptoms could be kennel cough, canine flu or just allergies. The only way to actually determine is by asking your vet to perform a PCR panel & ask your vet to treat symptoms. If your dog is fully vaccinated, your vet may have the opportunity to send in a PCR test to be paid for by the vaccine manufacturer.
Testing for respiratory infections can cost $250-300. Testing must be done within 5 days of first symptoms according to Dr. Blair Hauk at at Bayens Hauk Veterinary Group
Doggie daycare is much like human daycare and doggie colds, the flu, tummy bugs, scratches & other contagious bugs can happen. We promise to alert you when your dog has unusual symptoms, lumps & scratches. We ask that you do the same and if your dog has anything unusual going on.
Please alert us if your dog is presenting any symptoms ASAP so we can know who your doggo has come into contact with and inform you of our quarantine period to stop the spread of these Upper Respiratory Infections.