Monday, March 16th
Hi Journal,
I had a howl of a good day. The hoomans are usually at the house for just two days in a row, but today Mom stayed home and gave me a ton of pets. She said she was “woofing from home”.
She and Dad took me for a walk this evening. I wanted to sniff the other dogs’ butts but they wouldn’t let me today. I’m not sure what’s gotten into them.
Anyway, I did have a good night with the whole family watching the picture box in the living room until late at night. I don’t know what’s going on but I do love the whole hooman family being here.
Wednesday, March 18th

Hi Journal,
Elizabeth, Mom and Dad were at home today!!! I can’t believe it. I went for a walk in the morning with Dad, he talked into his tiny hand box most of the time but I got to smell a lot of fire hydrants. I love fire hydrants, they’re my favorite.
Later, everyone ate breakfast together. I didn’t get to sleep as much as I usually do today because I was too doggone excited my people were home. My tail hurts from wagging so much.
I got to play tug-of-war with Dad and Lauren threw the ball for me for a long time in the backyard. I love to play tug-of-war and ball, those are my favorite.
While I am loving this, the cat is not pleased. She doesn’t much like to play with me when the hoomans aren’t home – but she’s been in an even worse mood since the hoomans are always here. Not sure what’s gotten into her catnip!
Thursday, March 19th
Hi Journal,
Oh boy, Mom went to the store today and bought me the BIGGEST bag of food she could find and a huge bag of pig ears – my favorite. I am so thankful for her. I love her to the mailbox and back.
I am starting to get used to this home-all-the-time thing. I just remembered there are some of my favorite things I’m missing – butt sniffing, car rides, dog parks and, most of all, I miss seeing my furriends at Hounds Lounge.
Here’s my favorite pic of me playing tag at the Lounge. That’s Biscuit on the left and Sammy on the right.
I miss the good ole dog days of chasing tails and playing on the playground with all my best friends. There were always new doggos to meet and greet and the staff is SO. MUCH. FUN. Hounds Lounge is my favorite. Maybe there’s a way I can get mom to take me back sometime soon. I miss my fur family.
With licks,
Friday, March 20th
Hi Journal,
Yet another great day with the hoomans. They did make me go outside for a little bit. They told me I shouldn’t get too used to them being home all the time and that it might cause behavioral problems. I have no idea what they’re talking about; I’m a good boy!
I slept in the grass and dug at the hole I’ve been working on in the backyard. I also saw a squirrel!!! I chased him as fast as I could but he got away again.
I sat by the garage door for a long time today and stared at Mom. I really want to go to Hounds Lounge. I think she can read my mind because she told me not today. Dad asked Mom if I could get sick and she said most likely not, that dogs rarely get corownaviruff. She said she checked with I have no idea what that means. I feel fine!
After that, Mom got on her tiny hand box and she told me I could still go to Hounds Lounge! She said we could go to doggie daycare tomorrow because they are keeping the place squeaker-toy clean. I can’t wait to see my fur fam again!
Everyone went on a walk tonight and it was so much fun. Walks are my favorite.
Saturday, March 21st
I got to go to Hounds Lounge today! I can’t believe it. I was there all day but I was so distracted I forgot to drink water and take a break.
I saw Leyla, Biscuit, Rex and Lucky today! They are my best friends in the whole play yard. The kind hoomans at Hounds Lounge were in great moods and threw balls for us all day, blew bubbles and gave me hugs. I love them so much, they are all my favorites.
Here’s me with Rex hiding from Leyla.
Oh yeah, the Hounds Lounge hoomans were a little busier than normal, wiping down the front register area and spraying everything the other hoomans touched! Not sure why they are acting so weird! I have never seen such a thing in my whole life. I am just glad I finally got to see all my fur friends.
I am pooped!
Sunday, March 22nd
Hi Journal,
I’ve come down with the notorious Hounds Lounge hangover. My body is tired from playing so hard! Next time I’ll have to remember to take a break. This afternoon I took a long nap with Dad, my favorite.
Tuesday, March 24th
Hi Journal,
The hoomans are still home so I guess this is going to be the new normal for some time! I think it’s fantastic they’re home all the time. I get lots of loving smiles from my people and head pats. I slept at Mom’s feet today and gave her some kisses. She is the most perfect hooman of them all.
Oh, oh. I also sat by the door today and Mom smiled and said, “tomorrow”.
Here’s another pic of me with my Hounds Lounge buds. I can’t wait to see them again.
More to come.
Read more about Hounds Lounge and our COVID-19 safety measures. We’re also offering discounted boarding for our awesome nurses and doctors!