We’ve all been there. You grab your keys and head toward the door, and your dog’s eyes widen. Their ears droop. Maybe they whimper or try to block the door. At this moment, you’re probably feeling a common worry: Do dogs get sad when you leave

The answer is yes, dogs do get sad when you leave! However, every dog is unique and will experience a different range of emotions based on their personality, background and breed. Some dogs may feel a pang of despair when you leave and then move on. Others may mourn your exit all day long. Depending on the dog, sadness can manifest as boredom, confusion or, sometimes, anxiety.

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Luckily, you can help lessen or cure your pooch’s sadness by learning to understand their emotions and finding ways to help them feel more comfortable alone. The Hounds Lounge team offers our expert advice below – and if all else fails, a day at our doggy daycare is sure to cure Fido’s blues.

Interview with a Dog: Do Dogs Get Sad When You Leave?

If dogs could talk, we’d have plenty of questions around the topic: Do dogs get sad when you leave? Check out this mock interview that helps you take a look inside a dog’s brain.

Interviewer: How do you feel when your human leaves?

Dog: I feel confused. And I worry I may never get a treat ever again. Do dogs get sad when you leave? Woof, yes.

Interviewer: What do you do while they’re gone?

Dog: At furrst, I wait by the door. Then I nap. Then I stare out the window. Then I chew on something I’m probably not supposed to… because I’m bored!

Interviewer: What do you wish your human knew?

Dog: I wish they knew I don’t understand why they leave! They always tell me they’re going to “work,” as if I know what that is…

Interviewer: Do you ever enjoy being home alone?

Dog: I’ll admit, it can be nice at times! No one judges me when I lick my butt. 

Interviewer: What would make staying home alone easier for you?

Dog: It would help if I always had something fun to do instead of just waiting around. My furriends have told me their pawrents give them puzzle toys. Send my hooman the memo, please? 

There you have it, straight from the (pretend) pooch’s mouth. Dogs are social animals and form strong emotional bonds with their hoomans! In fact, research shows that dogs experience emotions similar to a toddler’s. This explains why dogs get upset when you leave! 

With these canine insights in mind, let’s look at some symptoms of a sad dog.

Do Dogs Get Sad When You Leave? The Symptoms

The answers to “do dogs get sad when you leave?” and “how long do dogs stay sad when you leave?” correlate to your dog’s personality and history. If they are an independent pooch, they probably don’t feel too strongly when you leave. If you have multiple dogs, there’s a good chance they can distract each other from overly negative emotions – dogs thrive in packs.

However, if you have a highly-attached woof, you leaving the house might feel like the end of the world. Think about a rescue dog who’s been abandoned before or a pandemic pooch who’s spent very little time away from their owner. There’s a good chance they may show some of the following symptoms of doggy sadness:

Before You Leave

  • Following you around the house
  • Whining or pacing
  • Hiding from you
  • Extreme clinginess

While You’re Gone

  • Barking or howling
  • Chewing furniture, scratching doors or destroying items
  • Accidents indoors
  • Not eating or drinking

When You Return

  • Excessive jumping, whining or zoomies
  • Clinginess

While their emotions may not equate to sadness as humans feel it, the behaviors above could indicate your dog is feeling separation stress or separation anxiety when left alone.

Separation Stress

If your pooch’s symptoms are on the milder side and only last temporarily, they may be experiencing separation stress, which is very manageable. It can likely be resolved with some of the following tactics: 

  • Burn Fido’s energy before you leave the house. A quick play session or brisk walk should do the trick. As we say at Hounds Lounge, a tired dog is a happy dog!
  • Leave behind interactive toys or treat puzzles to keep Fido occupied.
  • Turn on calming music or a dog-friendly TV channel. Background noise can comfort dogs.
  • Create a consistent, low-key goodbye routine. The less dramatic, the better. Do dogs get sad when you leave? Yes, but it’s not goodbye furr-ever!
  • Practice short departures, and slowly increase the time spent apart from your dog.

Want more ideas for when you’re wondering “do dogs get sad when you leave?” Try out some of our tips and tricks for leaving your dog home alone.

Separation Anxiety

If your dog is extremely destructive while you’re away and their symptoms are persistent, they may be experiencing separation anxiety. This can be serious, as it causes your pooch intense mental distress and can lead to accidental self-harm. Separation anxiety can be improved with the same tactics used to treat separation stress, but if your pooch needs more serious intervention, talk to your veterinarian. 

If you’re in Central Arkansas and need a vet, we highly recommend our furriends at Healthy Life Pet Clinic! On the topic of The Natural State, below are a few considerations for Arkansas dog owners.

3 Factors to Consider When Leaving Your Dog Home Alone in Arkansas

Arkansas dog owners often have active lifestyles, whether they’re heading to work in Little Rock, going hunting, exploring the Ozarks or spending weekends on the lake. While Fido can participate in many hooman activities, there are times when they have to be left behind. Consider the following factors when leaving your pooch home alone in Arkansas:

  1. The temperature. Arkansas has extreme seasons, including triple-digit summers and freezing winters. If it’s too hot or cold for you, then it’s too hot or cold for them, even if they are typically outside dogs. These are times to bring Fido inside, leaving them in a crate or doggy-proofed small room if they can’t be trusted with free reign of the house.
  2. Unpredictable weather. It can be tricky to leave your pooch home alone during unpredictable weather, such as thunderstorms or, worse, tornadoes. If you’re leaving the house and know there is a chance of bad weather, prep your home accordingly and leave your pooch in a safe space, or bring them to Hounds Lounge for maximum safety and comfort.
  3. Fireworks holidays. Arkansans love our fireworks. Many dogs do not! If you know that Fido reacts poorly to loud noises, then the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve could be problematic. Check out our guide to helping dogs scared of fireworks.

Do dogs get sad when you leave them in Arkansas? Yes, but if you are well-prepared and provide them with a safe, comfortable space to call home, they should make it just fine. 

Your Dog’s Home Away from Home: Hounds Lounge

Do dogs get sad when you leave? Yes! Is this common? Also yes. If your dog is showing signs of sadness when you leave, don’t panic. Instead, try making simple changes to your routine and monitor the results. Chances are, your dog will adjust to spending time alone!

If your pooch really struggles with separation anxiety, Hounds Lounge is here with 24/7 on-site, professionally-trained staff who will monitor and engage with Fido all day long. We’d love for you to come meet us! We offer facility tours outside of our peak hours: Monday through Friday, please visit between 10a-3p or after 6:30p; Saturdays between 10a-5p and Sundays between 12p-3:30p. Did we mention the first day of daycare is FREE?

Visit the Hounds Lounge location nearest to you, and see how your dog could thrive in a fun, social environment. We turn sad goodbyes into tail-wagging hellos!

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